Download My Curriculum Vitae!

Ongoing Project: "MapApp" for Hyrulian War

This is a long-running project for an online community that I moderate. The MapApp is a tool that manipulates and generates information used in the game's 'National Statistics' to help users visualize the movements of their respective armies and information about their nation's treasury, territories, and buildings. Additionally, the MapApp generates conflict information and updated Statistics at the end of the turn. This makes statskeeping for the game less tedious for the players, and it's innately more accurate than calculating the values by hand.

Live Beta Version 0.45 (beware: long loading time)

I am periodically updating the MapApp with new data and features.

Contact me for the most up-to-date version of the source code.

Freelance Project for the University of Huddersfield

The Linguistics department hired me to develop a pair of tools (which I implemented as Java desktop applications), chiefly as a feasibility study. I also include here the youtube demo videos I made for the department during development.

Cluster Finder .jar File
Cluster Finder Source
Co-ocurrence Finder .jar File
Co-ocurrence Finder Source

Cluster Finder Youtube Demo
Co-ocurrence Finder Youtube Demo

(later in development)

Cluster Finder Youtube Demo 2
Coocurrence Finder Youtube Demo 2

University Final Year Project

This is the demo I submitted as my product for my final year project at the University of Teesside, and which I submitted to the VIS Awards (a collaboration between the university and the nearby Ubisoft Reflections), resulting in me being selected as one of the finalists.

The focus of the project is application of collision detection to a particle system. Among other things, dynamic collision deteciton and a space partitoining structure (a hierarchical grid, specifically) are implemented.

Standalone Demo
Visual Studio Project

University Multiplayer Games Programming Project:

A little networked game I made for the Multiplayer Games Programming module int third year of my Computer Games Programming course - servers and clients, all implemented in Java.

Standalone Demo
Source Code

University Tools Programming Project

This is what I implemented for the Games Tools Programming module of my Computer Games Programming course: a tile-based level editor (and test harness) for a generic 2D game.

Standalone Demos
Visual Studio Projects

University Artificial Intelligence Project

A simple bayesian-learning-based chatbot I developed in Java for the Games Artificial Intelligence module of my university course.

Standalone Demo
Netbeans Project

University GS2 Game

This demo is a 3D third-person shooter of sorts I made for my assessment in the Games Software Development 2 module in the second year of my Computer Games Programming course. Provided are the executable and the required image, sound and text files.

Controls are outlined in the supplied readme file.

Standalone Demo
Visual Studio Project

University GS1 Game

This is the basic 2D vertical scrolling shooter I made for my assessment in the Games Software Development 1 module in the second year of my Computer Games Programming course, made partly with a code library developed by the lecturer of the module, Keith Ditchburn.

Controls: Use the arrow keys and the Return key on the menus, and WASD+Return in-game. (plus P to pause). Type "cheat" on the splash menu to bring up a cheats menu.

Standalone Demo
Visual Studio Project